Urban Sketching

While the Workshop with Ernst restarted my journey with watercolors, it is the Urban Sketching that has kept it going. I have come to know of this Urban sketching concept in 2016 and joined the local urban sketchers group in October of that year. I saw the monthly meetings being organised in the city where the interested people just get together at a specific location and sketch. I thought that was a fantastic idea to get the people with the same interest together. Being an introvert in addition to the language barrier, i could not take the leap to join the meetings. But in the workshop with Ernst , i have experienced the joy of painting outdoors and was as well able to converse enough in German. After coming back from the workshop, i attended the sketch crawl orgainsed in Buxtehude, a small town near Hamburg where an art fair was as well being held on that weekend. I was very much excited to be attending it while at the same had a lot of anxiety. I was not sure if i would be able...